Save Uyghur Applauds Passage of Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in the Senate

The Save Uyghur Campaign of Justice for All applauds the unanimous passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) in the Senate this Wednesday, and we hope to see this bill eventually become law in the near future. The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (S.65) bans the import of products from Chinese-occupied East Turkestan (Xinjiang) that have not reasonably been proven to be free of Uyghur forced labor.
Save Uyghur recognizes this legislation as another solid step taken by the US Congress in protecting Uyghur human rights around the world since the State Department recognized China’s atrocities committed against the Uyghurs as genocide last winter.
Regarding the passage of the UFLPA, Save Uyghur team lead Serwi Huseyin stated, “I congratulate the U.S. government for taking the right step in stopping the Chinese government from enslaving Uyghurs in East Turkestan, and cheer with Uyghurs and our supporters around the world for this importation motion. Before Chinese invasion, Uyghurs were an independent nation and free people, but they have now become slaves in their own land. The Chinese government is profiting from using Uyghur prisoners in their concentration camps as slaves in factories across China. They forcibly migrate Uyghurs from their homes to various innerland cities in China under the guise of eliminating poverty. In reality, what they seek to eliminate is the Uyghur identity. The world needs to stop China’s modern-day slavery.”
Reflecting our team lead’s sentiments, Save Uyghur urges countries around the globe to take similar steps in banning products that came from China unless they are proven to be made without the tears of Uyghur slaves. We must pressure China to stop trampling human dignity in their Uyghur forced labor factories.