Save Uyghur Campaign Thanks Senators For Passing The Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act

On behalf of the millions of people around the world, especially in Uyghurs in the United States and their communities, faith leaders and their congregations concerned about religious freedom, advocates who are appalled at the human rights conditions of the ethnic minority in the region, we thank you for voting on September 10, 2019 to pass Senate bill S. 178: Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019. They all watched this vote closely. On their behalf, we thank you again for doing what is right.
This vote was critical to our nation’s future.
The world has known of China’s religious-freedom abuses for decades but done little. The world has known the crimes against humanity have been committed, from harvesting of human organs from political prisoners to separating families running the largest concentration camps since Nazi Germany. This bill is a giant step in the right direction.
Passing the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act has sent the message to China that the U.S. values religious freedom and human rights.
It shows that we care about how other countries — especially those who wish to do business with us — treat their religious minorities.
Now the House should pass the bill without hesitation.
We also want to bring to your attention the impending execution of the former President of Xinjiang University, Tashpolat Tiyip, a prominent Uyghur academic who was convicted in a secret and grossly unfair trial, for ‘crimes’ such as allowing the university to conduct research on Uyghur culture, language, and music.
A statement on this issue from your office would bring global attention to this travesty.
Hena Zuberi
Director of Outreach
Justice For All: Save Uyghur
About Justice For All: An NGO with Consultative Status at the United Nations (DPI), Justice for All is an Illinois registered nonprofit organization with its main office based in Chicago, with staff and volunteers in Washington DC, New York, Boston, Texas, and other locations. The organization, which was incorporated in 1999, grew out of advocacy efforts on the human rights abuses experienced in Bosnia and later Kosovo during the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. At that time, it was instrumental in shaping the discourse around the ‘genocide’ debate and campaigned to declare rape as a war crime in international law. Justice for All is funded by a broad range of faith community donors who take a keen interest in the furtherance of human rights both in the United States and outside its shores. Its broad mandate to educate fellow citizens on social justice concerns and provide guidance for action through regular newsletters and extensive media engagement