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Save Uyghur Campaign Welcomes US Move to Block Chinese Cotton and Tomato Imports

Save Uyghur Campaign Demands People To #BoycottMulan After Filming in East Turkestan

Call it a Genocide, President Trump

Join the Fight. Help Us Free an Innocent Uyghur Man.

Save Uyghur Campaign Applauds Recent US Sanctions on China

National Call In Day: Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act With Tool Kit

Boycott Your Favorite Companies Complicit in Uyghur Forced Labor

Save Uyghur Welcomes House Passage of Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act

Save Uyghur Welcomes the Appointment of Nury Turkel to USCIRF

Save Uyghur Thanks U.S. Senate Passing of Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020

Save Uyghur Press Release On USCIRF Report on China

Save Uyghur Welcomes Recommendation of USCIRF on China

Major Win for the Save Uyghur Campaign: MIT Campaign Accomplished!

#VetoChinaUN Twitterstorm Toolkit

Save Uyghur detests new move to add China onto UN Human Rights Panel

Save Uyghur Welcomes Senator Menendez’s Letter To Stop Forced Labor

Camp Detainees Sent to Lengthy Prison Sentences

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